Brokerage Company Billing Software/Metrosoft SOGASThe SOGAS Advantage

There is a need for billing software that is focused on the specific activities of brokerage companies. Metrosoft received a request from a large brokerage company that needed to capture the financial side of their activities so that year end reporting was not so complicated and expensive. Recording expenses, employee time, and billing for clients was the underlying motivation and year-end financial reporting the finishing touch.

Developing a lease requires a great amount of work and has many moving parts. Keeping track of expenses created by the Landman, Imager, Analyst and general administration requires a different type of accounting system. Metrosoft SOGAS has put all of this together in a single module that maintains the many pieces and packages them up for billing clients and reporting. Since SOGAS already had the capability to process expenses (think JIB), creating a system to produce an invoice for the land and lease work was routine. The real work starts when trying to pull expenses created by the Land department together with the administrative areas and making a final summary by project.

The result is our Brokerage Module.