
Metrosoft Oil & Gas Accounting Services

Changes are being made in the way oil and gas companies are handling their monthly revenue and JIB activities. The lower market prices of products produced are driving some companies to consider outsourcing their monthly accounting activities. For some, this may be a long term change in office responsibilities and for others, only a temporary [...]

2019-06-25T17:06:58+00:00November 17th, 2015|Accounting, Oil & Gas Accounting, Services|

SOGAS Integrates Piracle Create-a-Check and RapidREMIT

Good news! Metrosoft is excited to announce a new partnership with Piracle. “We’re continually looking for new ways to grow and evolve, and expanding our strategic partner base is an important part of that process,” Piracle CEO John Bechard said. Building on nineteen years of market experience, MetroSoft has joined forces with Piracle in the [...]

2019-06-25T17:06:58+00:00November 25th, 2013|Accounting, Oil & Gas Accounting, Partners|
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