Case Study

Tax Routine in New Mexico

The SOGAS Advantage The state of New Mexico has an interesting tax routine for royalty, override and working interest owners when it comes to oil and gas revenue.  One of our customers contacted Metrosoft about how this tax plan was changing to include new rules.  In addition to these rules, they had some special ways [...]

2019-06-25T17:06:58+00:00November 19th, 2015|Case Study, Data Entry, Oil & Gas Accounting, Software|

Secondary Reports

The SOGAS Advantage Often times a customer will be reporting information to their customers downstream based on accounting activities in SOGAS.  Secondary reports are very important and detailed, in these cases, and have special requirements. One of our First Purchaser clients needed to report lease, driver and destination information to a business partner.  That partner’s [...]

2019-06-25T17:06:58+00:00November 19th, 2015|Case Study, Oil & Gas Accounting, Reports, Software|

Brokerage Company Billing Software

The SOGAS Advantage There is a need for billing software that is focused on the specific activities of brokerage companies. Metrosoft received a request from a large brokerage company that needed to capture the financial side of their activities so that year end reporting was not so complicated and expensive. Recording expenses, employee time, and billing for [...]

2019-06-25T17:06:58+00:00November 17th, 2015|Brokerage, Case Study, Module, Oil & Gas Accounting, Software|
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