The SOGAS Advantage
The General Ledger is another SOGAS Module that packs a big punch in your daily and monthly accounting activities. Not only does it work with current and historical general ledger activities, but it also manages the input of non-operated property income and immediate data uploads from selected files.
- Flexibility allow user to define financial statement format
- Capability to have multiple accounting months open at the same time
- Able to print selected accounts in summary or by detail on the G/L
- Can handle unlimited number of transactions
- Complete validation of journal transactions at time of entry
- Ability to run prior period financial reports
- Breakdown of accounts by property on G/L reports
- Budget and prior period actual appear on financial reports
- Option to search accounts and property details for multiple periods
- Change or delete voucher detail
- Print detail history for one account or all accounts for an accounting period or multiple accounting periods
- All detail maintained in history file
- Revenue Income (volume and value) entered directly to G/L
- Bank Reconciliation feature
- Able to generate financial reports by user defined profit centers based on property database
- Allows user to allocate “common” expenses to multiple properties base on user defined parameters
- Can start the next fiscal year while still being able to post yearend adjustments
- Cost depletion factors for automatic calculations and posting