Piracle Check CompanyGood news! Metrosoft is excited to announce a new partnership with Piracle. “We’re continually looking for new ways to grow and evolve, and expanding our strategic partner base is an important part of that process,” Piracle CEO John Bechard said. Building on nineteen years of market experience, MetroSoft has joined forces with Piracle in the last quarter to make Piracle’s Create-A-Check and RapidREMIT eXPRESS systems the endorsed and authorized Secure Payment Processing platforms for their users.

MetroSoft has been supplying the energy industry with oil and gas accounting software since the 1970’s, with hundreds of installations nationwide. In addition to consistently providing some of the best-rated support in the industry, MetroSoft offers a wide variety of oil and gas accounting modules at the most competitive prices.

Since 1991, Piracle has strived to combine security, dependability, and sustainability with our line of “Total Solution” payment management products. The creator of Create-A-Check, RapidREMIT eXPRESS, and Secure Printing Services, Piracle is one of the world’s leading providers of secure payment solutions.